
Why is it saying I am not available on weekends?

I have had two clients tell me they tried to book on a weekend and it said that I am not usually available on weekends even though on my calendar it shows green. Luckily one of them was referred to me by another of my clients so she said she would ask about my availability anyways and the other follows me on instagram so he still decided to ask me anyways. Is anyone else having this issue? I tried updating my calendar, but it says I am available for three spots everyday. Also I don't get those texts to see if I am available this weekend (as you sometimes see highlighted on a sitter's profile)I just went on my profile online and there was an option to highlight my availability for next weekend, and I click available so hopefully this helps. Anyways if anyone else could help me out on how to fix this, I would greatly appreciate it.

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I think you should call Rover support, they can help you make the correct edits to your availability and calendar.