
What should I do if my dog has parvo?

My dog came in contact with another dog that has the parvo virus, and I think he has it too! What are the next steps? Should I take him to the vet or is this something I can remedy at home?


CPV is a very serious condition and highly contagious. This virus attacks the lining of the gut and dehydrates the canine to death by severe vomiting and diarrhea. It even has a distinct smell in the stool, we would immediately recognize the symptoms. Please, please take the dog to a pet hospital.

7 Answers

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Take the pup immediately to the Vet!! Parvo is not something to fool with and can kill a dog quickly


Agree w/previous answer. With a quick response & vet's care, it can be overcome. I've met some adult dogs who had it as puppies.


Go to the vet as soon as possible! Especially if your dog is a puppy. Parvo is no joke - the mortality rate increases the longer you wait and it's very contagious. As a previous Vet Assistant, I've seen Parvo first hand and it is not fun :(. Hope you're pup is okay!


Yes take your dog to the vet and call ahead to let them know you're bringing a Parvo dog. He'll need to be quarantined.


Take your dog to a vet ASAP, let them know in advance you are bringing a possible case of Parvo so they can prepare since this is a highly contagious disease.

As far as treatment, Parvo being a virus, only anti viral meds will work. Tamyflu is one of those that have shown to have great success in treating parvo.

Good luck!


Parvo is very lethal and contagious. Take your pup to the vet immediately, and quarantine away from other dogs. If other dogs are exposed, let the owners know.


Also, the longer you wait, the more chance that you cannot have another dog in your home or yard because Parvo stays around for a long, long time once it is there. The pup needs a vet quickly and hopefully they can catch it in time to help him.