
Why does my dog bite her paws?

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3 Answers

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There are many reasons why a dog constantly bites or licks at its paws, including anxiety, allergic reaction, dry skin and pain. Biting at the paws is a common occurrence in dogs, but it can cause injury.


There are a few reasons a dog will bite/lick/or chew on their paws. The most common reasons are: dry skin, anxiety/depression, pain, and parasites. Dry skin usually occurs in the winter months, or if you live in an exceptionally dry state without much humidity. Much like humans (nail biting) dogs will resort to biting/licking/chewing their nails or paws if they are nervous. If they seem healthy otherwise and this is a new thing, check to make sure there is nothing (suck as a Thorn or rock) stuck in their paw. This is a completely normal behavior, but if it is becoming more excessive, seek medical attention.


It could be because they're irritated and thats how they help them heal.