
Why is my dog so tired?

This is a question that we often get from sitters and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!

5 Answers

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This could be a result of numerous things. Age, obesity, malnourishment, infections, depression, disease (heart, lung, thyroid, etc), pretty much anything hat a human can have, so could a dog. Seek medical advice from your vet if your dog has a change in behavior.


If your dog is tired after being cared for by a dog sitter or if it is after doing doggie daycare, it could be that they have played a great amount. At the Dog boarding facility I work at, we get asked this ALL the time! Dogs will play all day in our doggie playcare, and then go home and sleep for 2 days!


Depending on the age of your dog, if it is getting older that may be the reason. If it is a younger dog, it may be bored and need more exercise. It would be a good idea to let your vet know any changes in the activity level of your dog either young or old.


they could just be getting old and tired of the stuff they used to do with ease


It’s a good idea any time you don’t know what is wrong with your pup and you notice a change in his normal routine that you do call your vet and make sure nothing is wrong.  It is better to be reassured everything is fine than waiting and allowing a serious problem to get worse.