
How should I get my dog to stop digging?

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4 Answers

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An easy way to prevent your dog from digging and perphas escaping? Put poop in the holes they've started! It sounds strange, but I guarantee it will work!

As mentioned some dogs have high energy, such as Huskies. They are trying to find an outlet for their energy, so it would definitely be better to take them for run.


There are several remedies that you can try. Possibly your dog is not getting enough exercise and is digging as an energy outlet. Some dogs dig during hot weather to get to the cooler dirt underneath, so make sure your dog has enough shade if outdoors for a length of time.

If your dog is getting enough walks, playtime, and other exercise, and the weather is mild, you can bury chicken wire an inch or so beneath the surface of the ground, so that the dog is not able to dig farther. Another option is when you clean up your dog's stools, put them in the holes your dog has dug. This may stop the digging. A third thing to try is to bury a well-blown-up balloon in the hole. The popping of the balloon when he goes to dig in that area should be aversive.


try and push their attention elsewhere when they try to dig


Digging is a normal doggie trait. Dogs are going to dig holes, for one reason or another, and you shouldn’t put too much effort into stopping them. Hindering dogs from carrying out their natural, predisposed functions is not good for their health and well-being.