
Why won't my dog stop whining?

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3 Answers

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Depends on their needs. Pacing can mean anxious or need to go potty, putting their paw on you whining can be for attention. Whining typically means they have a need.


Dogs can whine for a wide variety of reasons. Often times dogs will whine because they are anxious, excited, anticipating something, nervous, scared, or are wanting something from you. They may be needing to go outside. They may be wanting your attention. They may be wanting to go for a walk. They may just want a treat. If you have given your dog attention while it was whining then it's possible that it has learned to whine in order to get your attention. Sometimes they may think that if they wine or bark, then they will get their food faster or get what they want faster. I would suggest trying to read your dogs body language in order to pinpoint what it's whining about. Context is everything.


Either the dog wants to go/needs to potty or they want attention from you or other dogs. Most the time it's attention from my experience anyway. I have a dog that whines every single time her brother is napping and she wants to play. Or she'll wake me husband up to go outside and go potty. The dogs I keep only whine to play with my dogs or to get extra love.