
Why won't my dog stop panting?

My dog seems to always be panting! Is he having trouble breathing, or is this normal?


Excessive panting can be the cause of pain in dogs. You should take your dog to their vet to find out why. My dog threw out his back and was panting I had no idea he was in pain.

5 Answers

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It’s normal for dogs to pant, especially when they’re hot, excited, or energetic. Heavy panting is different, though, and may be a sign your dog is dangerously overheated, coping with a chronic health problem, or has experienced a life-threatening trauma.


If it is excessive and continuous you would see a vet. Excessive panting after exercise on a hot day can lad to heat stroke or other severe issues. It is also a sign of severe stress so make sure to note if something is making your dog anxious and remove that trigger or leave the situation.


As stated above, there are several reasons for heavy panting & it can be a sign of a serious medical issue. It can also be a sign of stress, or extreme pain. It's a pretty generic symptom of several problems, & should probably be discussed with your vet if it's an ongoing problem, and not just a hot day of running around.


Excessive panting can be the cause of pain in dogs. You should take your dog to their vet to find out why. My dog threw out his back and was panting I had no idea he was in pain


since they have no way of sweating, they pant so if they were doing any activities that for us would cause sweating, thats why they're panting so much