
Why does my dog stink?

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3 Answers

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This a question that has a million possible answers. Some possible reasons:

Things a bath can solve: - Dog rolled in something. - Dog hasn't been bathed in a very long time. - Dog went swimming. - Dog went camping.

If the dog hasn't been sprayed by a skunk and none of the above applies, it may be a possible yeast issue that only a vet will be able to diagnose. If it is a yeast issue, adding probioitics to their diet may help along with a bath with a special shampoo.


Dog odor is a problem that many dog parents have. If your dog persistently gives out a bad odor, do not just dismiss it as "doggie smell". The odor may be caused by some underlying health issues.

If your dog suddenly has become smelly, first check for external causes. For example, has he been rolling on something stinky, such as dead fish, feces, etc.?

Another possibility is that he has been skunked! If that is the case, you need to handle your dog carefully and remove the skunk odor before your dog has the opportunity to spread the odor to your whole house.


Bath your dog to make sure its not an external first! Then you can try a diet change (talk to your vet first, the amount of oil, fat, carbs, protein can affect the way your dog smells). Check your dogs teeth! Sometimes one rotten back tooth will go noticed but it STINKS! Its also bad for their health, so check your pet!

If the smell continues see a vet to see if they have suggestions