
What should I do if my dog has allergies?

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4 Answers

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Oatmeal and Aloe baths , and childrens allergy chewable tablets.


They make medication for dog allergies but wiping them down after being in grass definitely helps and oatmeal baths!


I agree with everything Walt says. I just wanted to add that you should refrain from giving your pup medication such as Benedryl until you speak to your vet. Medications for humans can be used for dogs, but the dosage is much different.


Dogs with allergies should be in the care of a vet. Allergies in dogs can generally be broken down into two main categories: Allergies to things they are inhaling, such as pollen or ragweed. This is known as “atopy.” Allergies to things that they are eating, more intuitively called “food allergies”. Unlike similar allergies in people, dogs manifest these allergies in the form of skin problems. Generally they are pretty itchy, which may include, outright scratching as well as licking or chewing their paws and rubbing their face and ears on the couch or carpet.