
How should I shave a golden retriever?

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3 Answers

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Don't do it. If you shave your dog because of his smelling, you can try to find (the best dog shampoos for odor).


One does not shave a Golden except for medical reasons.


There isn't much background to your question, so it leaves me to question why you would want to shave your golden retriever. Is the coat full of burrs from running around in fields? If so, you can always remove the burrs (pulling the hair/fur away from the burr, not the burr away from the hair), or use scissors to cut the burrs out. Then follow up with a good bath/shampoo and use conditioner to condition the coat (I prefer Mane & Tail conditioner - used on horses, but works great on my flat coated retriever). I personally don't recommend shaving dogs, unless it is for health reasons, such as healing wounds or cuts (which your vet would shave the affected area). If you want your golden to be cooler during the hot summers, you can go to a good groomer for an all over trim, or get a kiddie pool for your yard so your dog can cool off in the pool whenever he/she goes outside. Most retrieving breeds love to get wet, so a kiddie pool is well worth the small investment.