
Should I neuter my dog?

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3 Answers

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Unless you are planning to breed your dog, Id HIGHLY recommended neutering him. If he isn't neutered and isn't allowed to breed, your dog will develop a lot of pent up frustration. He will desire to mate (every 6 months I believe) and if that desire is not fulfilled, a lot of undesirable behaviors can and will ensue. His scent will cause fights among other males. He will be more prone to running away, destroying furniture and personal belongings due to his pent up frustration, he will challenge your authority more and more, etc. Its not nice to the dog or anyone else to not neuter him if he's not going to be a breeder.


It is the owner's decision whether or not you should neuter your dog.

It is generally recommended, if you are planning to breed then no, if not than yes but not recommended. Neutering tends to reduce many behavioral issues such as: roaming, aggression, or marking.

The process of neutering is not invasion and does not take long

Pros about Neutering: reduces aggressive behavior, can't impregnate un-spayed females, helps prevent health effects like testicular cancer, helps control the pet population

Cons about Neutering: can't reproduce, increase risk of obesity, hypothyroidism, geriatric dementia, and other illnesses,

Neutering age of male dogs is typically between 6 to 18 months.


In most cases, yes. Pet sterilization has its supporters and opponents, but most experts agree that the average companion dog should be spayed (female) or neutered (male). Surgical sterilization makes reproduction impossible, combating pet overpopulation. Spaying or neutering can also prevent the occurrence of life-threatening health conditions associated with the reproductive system, including cancer.


Accidentally commented here instead of posting an answer haha oops!