
What should I do if my dog has dry skin?

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3 Answers

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Providing a balanced diet is crucial to your dog's skin health. Diets laden with cereal, fillers and artificial ingredients don't provide the essential nutrients your dog needs for healthy skin. Many ingredients in dog food such as beef, chicken, corn, wheat and soy cause allergic reactions in dogs, leading to dry skin. Your dog also may have an allergic reaction to the artificial colorings in his food, which can cause an unnatural immune system response. Discuss your dog's diet with your veterinarian. If necessary, switch to a hypoallergenic food or consider adding an essential fatty acid supplement to his meals.


Dry skin for dogs are commonly caused from a nutrient deficiency, some dog foods are heated up to a temperature that fatty acids are no longer active, over or under bathing, dry climate or forced air, under-grooming, even neutering/spaying, yeast, skin infection, allergies,

You can help by:

Adding fish oil (fatty acids) to your dog's diet can help combat dry skin. Supplementation of omega-3 Use a natural shampoo containing Colloidal Oatmeal and Colloidal Oatmeal Creme Rinse Dogs need to be groomed regularly to get rid of that dead skin and fur A humidifier will help to stop your pup's skin (and yours) from drying out


Food allergies can cause dry skin for dogs. Adding a small amount of omega 3 and coconut oil to their diet also has been known to be helpful. Once you covered all the internal needs, you can try a shampoo specialized for your dog's skin. Also proper grooming habits is key to keeping your dog's skin and coat healthy.