
What can I give my dog for pain?

What do you guys give your dogs when they are in pain? I'd love to know if there is a general medication I should keep on hand!

2 Answers

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Dogs are most commonly given aspirin for treatment of arthritis and associated joint pain.

Aspirin has good anti-inflammatory effects that reduce swelling. It can also reduce pain and fever. These effects will help make your dog more comfortable. To be sure that you are using the aspirin for the right reason and at the right dose, you should consult your veterinarian first.


You must talk to your Veterinarian before giving any over-the-counter meds. They can cause adverse reactions, need proper dose safe for dogs, or have reactions against other meds.

Even as a Veterinary Technologist, I would not be allowed to prescribe a medication. Usually a Vet will say over-the-counter medications called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are the first line of pain relief for pets. Ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen are the most commonly known.

From a vet, they normal prescribe pain meds such as: Rimadryl, Carprofen,

Tylenol poisoning in dogs

Most meds can be harmful to the kidneys and/or liver, so annual blood work is generally recommended.

Signs: Mostly vocal even though dogs tend to try to hide their pain, depression, behavioral change, decrease activity levels, decrease appetite, panting more