
What do I if my dog has worms?

Help, I think my dog has worms! His appetite seems to have changed, and when I looked at his poop this morning I thought I saw a worm. How can I tell? What can I give him for this?

4 Answers

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The best way to tell if your dog has worms or some other type of internal parasite would be to take a fecal sample into your local veterinarian to be checked! You can certainly see worms in their stool. Tapeworms are flat and can look like rice in their poop, and roundworms will be the spaghetti looking type. Your veterinarian will run a fecal test to determine what parasite your dog may have and send you with the appropriate dewormer.

However, diarrhea, vomiting, and scooting can all be signs of parasites, so keep your eye out and monitor your pets stools!


There are several different dewormers you can purchase over-the-counter, but you need to identify what type of worm they are. You will be able to see the worms but can not see the eggs with your naked eye. Identification is generally confirmed with a microscope view of the egg. If your dog is a hunter and eat dead animals, your dog may have tapeworms, you may see white 'Rice' in the poop. Dogs that eat feces can get round worms as well as other worms. The best thing to do is to see your vet to confirm the identification of worm, give the proper dewormer, if there are no worms, then your vet can diagnose the matter


Please take you pups to the vet, and bring a very recent poop with you, as the vet can examine it to determine if worms ae present or not


If it is tapeworm you may see white segments that move or other parasites like small white rice like larvae. You should take him to the vet, as they can give you the specific treatment for the worm, there are various types of worms and parasites and should be treated by a vet for each type.