
Do poodles shed?

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6 Answers

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Yes they do! It is a common misconception that they do not. They shed like other dogs but the fur stays on the dog, until you brush it out, which gives you the illusion of a non shedding breed :)


Hi! Poodles do shed, but because they are a curly coated dog, a lot of the fur they shed gets caught in their curls and needs to be brushed out.
There are a lot of resourced online for information about grooming for poodles, but I found a fairly straightforward round-up of all of the information here:

Hope that helps!


Like any other animal with hair or fur, Poodles do shed.

What happens is that they have curly coat, which retains the fur they shed from falling. That being said, you might not notice much of their fur on the floor, couch or bed. But, once you wash or brush your Poodle, all this fur will detangle and go out.

Some owners even notice that their Poodle loses more hair than their other dogs and might get scared, but he probably isn't. It might be only all this extra fur that you can see falling from other dogs daily and from Poodles only when they're washed or brushed.


No. With an ever growing coat they do not shed like other dogs.

They do lose hair and it does stay in their coats as is mentioned above. I have two Standard Poodles and never find their hair on anything but their brushes.

However, the do have just as much dander as any dog only it tends to stay on them. They are not hypoallergenic as some believe. No dog is.


Poodles have hair like humans, not fur like other dogs. Poodles "shed" about the same as humans do. I own standard poodles and I can tell you that they DO NOT SHED. It's incorrect that the hair sheds but that it stays caught up in the curly hair until brushed out. That logic goes out the window when a poodle is clipped short with a #4 or #5 blade or even a 3/4" comb. In those cases, there are no "curls" to catch shedding hair because the hair is cut very short. You can brush that short hair, comb it, tug at it ... whatever ... and no hair comes out, NONE. My poodles sleep on my couch and on my bed and there is never any dog hair left behind. I also wear black pants to work every day and I never have a single dog hair on my clothes, literally NEVER! When I run my hands through my own hair, I might get one or two hairs coming out, just like my poodles. So if poodles shed, I guess so do I then.


I agree!!!! I have 2 standards as well. A black one and a white one, boy and girl. They do not shed!


no poodles dont shed, as a poodle owner and professional groomer i have never seen a poodle shed. poodles have hair that continues to grow unlike fur that grows up to a certain point and then falls out.


I own two Standard Poodles. Yes, like all other dogs, poodles do shed. There is no such thing as a 100% hypoallergenic dog, all dogs shed (even "hairless" breeds), and all dogs have dander. Poodles shed significantly less than most other breeds due to their curly coat, the loose hairs get caught in it instead of falling out. Bathing and brushing the dog often will remove loose hairs and reduce dander making them more allergy friendly. Hope this helps, Camille


As an owner of two poodles. They don't shed. They have human like fur/hair. Instead of constant shedding their hair grows longer! I never have to lint roll myself before I go to work. I regularly maintain my poodles grooming and never had an issue of them "shedding!"


I have a poodle and he never sheds a hair! Even when brushed. I wear dark closes and hold him and not a single hair. They are awesome, sweet dogs.


You can actually test for a poodle shedding gene and yes some poodles show up that they carry that gene! But for the most part poodles do not shed, or at least people do not notice it, especially compared to other breeds. After my bitch had puppies I noticed she did shed some but that was probably from a hormone change. She seems fine now,