
Is anyone having issues with the replies/communication?

I've had issues with replies during the past 24 hours. If I'm close to a computer, I tend to type in the reply in the inbox. It doesn't look like the replies are getting texted to the customer. I see it there in my thread on the computer and in the Rover app but not in the messaging thread on my phone. Very strange and making me a little crazy - plus I think I lost a customer yesterday because they thought I was ignoring.

Then when I reply using a regular text message & I look at it on my computer/rover app, the text is all broken up. I'm not sure what is going on.

Any one else having these type of issue during the past day or so? I had no problems on Monday - just started yesterday.

6 Answers

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This has been a problem for a long time. There's quite a lot wrong with the website. I've lost clients because of all the issues. Rover doesn't seem to care because I have been bringing this up for a while and they haven't done a thing about it. My work-around for their broken communications on the site is to exchange REAL phone #s and/or email addresses right away and have direct contact with the potential client. Not only does this ensure that your messages don't get lost in Rover's broken website, you can avoid Rover's people blaming YOU for the problem LOL (Yes, I have been blamed for things too - terrible!), and the potential client will feel more comfortable with you since you trust them with your real number. (Or you can make a Google #)


2023, still having this issue. I just want someone to watch my dog!


I'm not currently experiencing any issues, but whenever I've noticed any communication delay (such as from the web site directing messages to my email inbox), I've informed the Rover support team so they can look into it further.


I had the same problem yesterday. I answered a question via text from my phone, but then when I went to my computer, it didn't show up. I had to re-answer from my computer.


If you reply via your inbox on, your reply will not show up in your text message history. Only texts sent from your phone will appear in your text history, so if you're using both your phone and computer for communication, the computer will show the entire conversation history, while your phone will show all incoming messages, but only the outgoing messages sent from your phone.

As for the weird formatting of messages, it happens to me occasionally, both on incoming and outgoing messages, but so far hasn't caused any problems. Not really sure why it happens or if it shows up the same way for my clients... if so, no one has mentioned it yet.


Yes this happened to me too! I got a request yesterday from a client and responded via text message within two hours and today got a text saying that 24 hours have passed and I didn't responded to my client, which by the way hurt my response rate. I called rover support and the representative wasn't helpful at all, she thought I was lying since in the system showed I had replied today. We need to let rover support this is happening!


As well as this I've sent photo updates to Every client.. they can check the conversations... and my clients always responded to the photos. Rover claims my photo updates are not at 100%.. the app and website has been having issues on Rover's end. Miscalculating. Hopefully they resolve it.


the same happened to me recently as well. I contacted and sent them a screenshot of the text that I sent. They replied but it was my fault because my phone must not be connected to their text service. They advised to simply use the web sites to reply to everything. They also advised to check the website instead of just text every night. However, its becoming apparent from the other problems people are having here that Rover is actually having a problem with its own system. I have always been very careful to reply to everything within 24 hours. Now my response rate only shows 80% and I'm getting less thanls clients contacting me. they need to fix this problem


Same here! I replied via text (which I never had delay or issues doing before) & thought the client just didn't reply til Rover notified me an hour later to get back to my client I double checked the text & it was sent not pending or any service issues... my response rate went from 100% to 80%... ๐Ÿ™„