
How do you trim a Yorkie at home?

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2 Answers

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Hello! I have trimmed my pup and other pups myself in the past, and for quick trims and upkeep, it hasn't been hard at all!

Typically I will use blunt edged (like kids scissors) scissors for both of our safety. I will comb the hair in the area I am about to trim so that it lays as it naturally would, and I will trim 1/8" at a time or so, re-combing throughout. In areas where the pup has thicker fur, I've used thinning scissors (the kind with the little steps in them between scissor teeth) to thin those areas out without damaging the undercoat.

Overall, I think it's doable for small trims, but if you need high quality grooming, you may want to look for groomers reviews in your area.


I've taken a pair of nice scissors to trim my mutts fur from the top of the head so she could see until she saw a Groomer. It wasn't a lot, I'm sure if you brush and bathe first you can do some trimming! Definitely don't try anything more than you are comfortable with that way you or your pup don't get hurt!