
Why does my dog chew his feet?

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Could be food allergies.

3 Answers

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Dogs tend to chew at their feet if they are bored, allergies, stressed, or a foreign object stuck in his/her pad of his/her foot


My dog has been doing that for a while, more like licking. I thought it was anxiety at first but the licking spots were pinkish (the fur became that color) so his saliva was slightly pink for some reason. Did some research and a diet high in carbohydrates like the food he was eating, cases a build up of year in the stomach, making the spit pink and paws, tail and other body parts feel itchy. I changed his diet to a homemade high protein one (if the spit is pink just change to a higher protein and lower cab one) and he no longer licks and the spit is not pink anymore! :)


During spring time grass seed and other small objects can collect in the pads irritating your dog's feet, which causes them to chew.