
Is anyone else getting messages crossed?

I almost lost a guest due to someone or something sending messages in rover that the guest had the wrong number and stop messaging them. Thankfully I was online checking my email when she booked but it happened again. Issues.


My messages were hacked and someone typed out a message to all my request

3 Answers

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Yes, I followed up with a stale conversation only to have the client say she had already responded to another "number". I don't use texting with clietns so I was confused and was glad I followed up.


This happens sometimes when clients accidentally enter the wrong number when they fill out their information. When that occurs, if the number they put is someone's else working cell number, they will receive your messages and can send you messages back (usually frustrated or confused messages, since they don't know who you are/what you're talking about). I would ask the client to verify that their number is entered correctly to prevent further confusion.


i was getting messages from both people on one thread of messages. craziness


Hmm... this has not happened to me! Hopefully it's not happening to you anymore