
Why does my dog chew everything?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!

4 Answers

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Young puppies chew usually because they are still teething. If you have an older dog chewing up things, it could be from boredom, anxiety, stress, or your dog could be trying to alleviate tooth pain.


Because they are bored or because they are losing teeth and getting new teeth.


Chewing is a necessity to every dog, however know the difference between good chewing and destructive chewing. Good chewing not only helps with boredom, but it contributes to their overall oral health.

Their are many appropriate chew toys available to help alleviate this need


Some dogs may be bored and want to chew something to keep them busy. Some may have a sore mouth and the pressure of chewing helps them. Others may have anxiety and chewing things of yours helps calm that anxiety. Dogs can't speak with us so they use methods such as destroying your favorite pair of shoes, to communicate their stress to us.