
Why does my dog scratch the floor?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Because your dog is bored! Digging is a common characteristic when a dog is feeling bored. If your dog is digging at your carpet or floors, try taking them out for a nice long walk or run!

4 Answers

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Depends. If your dog is scratching just before they lie down, they may be creating a more comfortable place for themselves. It may also be a relic from behaviors when they were not domesticated, as other instincts, such as trying to scratch grass onto their waste after they go. If it is not excessive, do not worry. If it is, exercise and toys that will occupy them for long periods of time, such as slow chews or whatever they find interesting.


This can be a symptom of OCD or anxiety, it can also be a sign or boredom or being under-exercised. It's best to interrupt this behavior immediately, but if the dog is not easily distracted or is showing other signs of stress such as obsessively chewing or barking, you should consult a trainer or ask your vet for advice.


Believe it or not there could be a few reasons. One main one may be excess energy. Dogs tend to adopt some strange behaviors when they have too much energy and no way of getting rid of it. Try taking them for a long walk, when they come home maybe they can relax. Another is anxiety and fear. Maybe your pup digs during storms or when you have company over? Or maybe when you leave him alone- that could be seperation anxiety. Again, maybe a long walk will help ease their mind or a nice treat to take their mind off of it.


A dog that scratches the floor is attempting to dig a hole. Wild dogs depend on holes to keep them safe and protected from heat or cold temperatures. This instinct does not leave a dog just because it's an indoor pet. Dogs may also circle the area where they scratch before lying down.