
Why does my dog lick my wounds?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Your dog means well when it tries to lick your wounds. He's loving you as a mommy pup licks her babes sores, trying to clean them.

They lick their own wounds. Your dog loves you and can't help in any other way except licking it to make it all better:)

3 Answers

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This is an instinctual behavior. Dogs lick their own wounds because their saliva has antimicrobial and clotting properties. So when they see/smell a wound on you, they're trying to help you out and make your wound heal faster!


Your dog means well when it tries to lick your wounds. He's loving you as a mommy pup licks her babes sores, trying to clean them.


Although it is out of affection- your pup is trying to heal your wound and comfort you, dog saliva isn't always the best thing for human injuries. Don't allow them to do it too much because it may lead to infection.