
Why does my dog eat paper?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Your dog might be eating the paper because they're bored. When you catch them eating the paper take the paper and say no, but also give your dog a toy in return. This will show them an appropriate alternative.

4 Answers

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Dogs eat paper because they are hungry and want to feel their stomach.


: Dogs usually eat facial tissues because they are bored, have pica or are simply hungry. Puppies explore their world by chewing on it and may develop a paper-eating habit for the texture or to gain their owners' attention. Pica and eating for hunger often exacerbate this problem


Your dog might be eating the paper because they're bored. When you catch them eating the paper take the paper and say no, but also give your dog a toy in return. This will show them an appropriate alternative.


A lot of times this can be an anxious behavior, or your dog may just enjoy the taste/texture! Keep any paper out of his reach and let him get some extra exercise and play time to get rid of any nervous energy.