
Can I leave my dog in the car?

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The best advice, especially when its hot outside, never leave your dog in a car unattended.

5 Answers

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You shouldn't leave your dog in the car. It is a safety issue. Keep those pups safe!


There are several factors to leaving your dog in the car; mainly the weather and your dogs personality. When it's hot, or even warm, your car can rapidly heat up and cause your pup to have heatstroke! Generally, I don't leave my dog in the car if is over 75, and even then only for a couple of minutes. In the winter? That's a different story. My dog LOVES car rides so if it is cool outside I take him with me to the store or to run errands; again not for extended periods of time, but he loves to come on short trips! And for short haired dogs you have to watch out for the cold too. Dogs fur can only really keep them comfortable until it hits 40 and below, then they need extra protection just like their humans. So when it comes to taking dogs in the car, try to limit it to those few months of fall and spring where they are not in danger of extreme heat or cold


Weather permitting and short periods of time.


Personally I wouldn't but if you have to for a very short time......If it's hot outside, make sure you have a spare car key and leave the car running with the doors locked and the a/c on, if its cold same as above but with the heat on but not to hot.


Definitely not. Too many hazards.