
How can I help my dog lose weight?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Slowly change your dog food into lamb if the dog food company doesn't have any lamb options Canidae has lamb , slowly change your dogs food out to the new one. 20% new 80% of the food he has for 2 day then 40 % new 60 % old for 2 the next 2 day 60% 40% 2 days so one so forth...

PS hopefully your dog likes lamb also giving your dog new food can give him should go away within a week.. Also make sure with your vet if your dog isn't allergic. Please

8 Answers

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great healthy alternate snacks to treats that are dog-safe are carrots and green beans!


Look at the recommended feeding amount for your dogs size on the food bag. Then gradually cut back to feeding only 75% of what is normal.


If your dog is overweight, you can always make a trip to the veterinarian to come up with a specific weight loss plan to get your dog back to its ideal weight. Other alternatives would be to feed the dog a specialized diet for weight loss by changing his/her type of dog food, measure out your dog's food for each meal, exercise your dog more often by going on walks or runs frequently, reduce or get rid of unhealthy treats in your dog's diet, and monitor and adjust your dog's weight loss plan accordingly.


First and foremost, I would recommend going to the veterinarian and having their body condition score examined, as it will give you an idea of just how much weight your pup needs to lose.

As for the task itself, there are plenty of dog foods aimed to help your pup lose weight, so getting on one of these is important. If your dog is not to the point where they need diet food, I would take a look at how much you are feeding them daily, and how many treats/scraps they get a day. It is very important in weight loss to stick to a plan and don't break it! If that means giving your dog 1/2 cup of food twice a day and only one treat, DO THAT! Because an extra treat here and an little bit of human food there really does add up and can be very detrimental to their weight loss!

Last but not least, dogs need plenty of exercise, just like us! So get out, go for a few extra walks, take a hike, and get your dog moving and burning calories!


Depending on how your feeding schedule is, some owners we've found they feed once a day by topping off their bowl. Ideally you should break up their meals in smaller portions to allow them to digest it properly and build up a better metabolism (similar to us humans) and provide some exercise like walks prior to eating which will also help provide them an eating schedule..


There's still a variable of options, just need better clarification on your actual routine and then to adjust from there.


Put your dog on a diet and limit treats. It's also a good idea to increase their exercise regiment. Start off slow at first if they have a sedentary life and gradually increase the amount.


The best way I have found to help a dog lose weight is monitor what he's being fed along with exercise. That seems like an easy answer, but once you start paying attention to the food you feed him and how much of it and make changes the easier it is to change the habit. Of course if you change your dog's food, make sure to do it slowly as not to upset his stomach. I have found that purchasing dog food that uses real meat and is a weight loss type food helps. Make sure to follow the amounts listed on the packaging and adjust as necessary. Also, get out there and walk your dog daily. Even if it's just walking for 10 minutes, doing that each day or several times a week will be really good for him and it'll make him happy too!


Your dog needs to be put on a restricted diet. You may need to change the amount and type of food your dog eats. Also introducing some light excersise into your dog's life can do wonders.