
How much dry food should I feed my dog?

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It depends on how large the dog is

It depends on the size, age, and lifestyle of the dog. There are normally guidelines on the back of the package, but are also available online. If you're dog looks too thin or heavy with the guidelined feeding, ask your vet

5 Answers

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It usually depends on size and weight of your dog. There is a recommended serving size on the bags of dry food, but I recommend calling your vet to ask what is appropriate for your dog specifically in order to lose, gain, or maintain weight.


Most dry foods have a guide on the packaging based on your dog's weight that you can follow.


It Always Differs Per Brand Of Dog Food. I learned in school that a good quality food you will need alot less of than some brands with lots of fillers that are not necessary for dogs to stay healthy and active. There will be a chart on the back of you food bag. Look up you breeds ideal weight online and go by that. Should be x cups for a x pound dog.


It depends on the size of your dog and the nature of its lifestyle. Online, there are charts you can find which help decide the standard amount of dry food per pound.


Depends on the dog's weight. Most of the time there's a feeding guideline on the back of the dog food bag or on the label of the canned food. If you are trying to put your dog on a diet to help them lose weight, then ask a vet about feeding instructions for calorie control