
Why does my dog dig at the floor?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Most dogs dig because they are bored or just trying to find a nice cool spot to sleep.

3 Answers

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This is related to trying to create a soft and comfortable place for them to sit or lie down. It's similar to why dogs sometimes spin or circle before lying down. You can try offering them a soft or cushioned dog bed, I even let my dog choose her own at the pet store which has been both amusing and ensured she uses it.


Dogs dig at the floor for various reasons. A dog can dig at the floor because the dog is attempting to dig a hole due to his/her instinctive behavior. Dogs also scratch and dig at the floor before they lie down to make a softer resting place for themselves. It's also possible the dog is digging at the floor as a means of entertainment.


The dog is likely under stimulated and thus bored. He is trying to expend his pent up energy. It might help to exercise him more and give him a variety of toys so that he is kept engaged and doesn't get bored


There can be many reasons but the most common reason is they are trying to dig a hole. Wild dogs dig holes to keep them safe and warm. It's an instinct and does not leave because a dog is an indoor pet.


Hi there,

According to this article: (, dogs dig or scratch at the floor because of behavioral reasons. They're trying to get your attention. Maybe, setting aside a bit more time for play time will help exhaust all his energy. Otherwise, just buy him a Licki Mat. :)