
How should I socialize my dog?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Start early early early! Find a few friends that each have different sizes, breeds and temperaments to get them used to everyone! Get together, take a hike and let them run!

Start as soon as you get a new pup or dog. Dog parks are great way to get dogs used to all shapes and sizes dogs come in. Or if you have a friend or family members with dogs just let your dog hang with them.

5 Answers

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If you're dog has never been socialized at all I would introduce them slowly, a single dog first then, show them other dogs are friendly too and approachable. Then bring them to a doggy day or Dog park where it could initially be more intimidating for a young pup to leave your side.

Friends and family are the best to start since you know the dogs and owners.


Start by letting them sniff other animals on your usual walks. This is probably best away from your apartment/home, as you don't want them to get protective. Once you are in a neutral zone, ask permission of another dog's owner that is approaching you. Make sure to have a tight leash and make sure not to get involved in the first meet and greet! Let the dogs do their thing. Keep this a routine for a little while, eventually you will be able to take your dog to a dog park (ON LEASH). After a few times at the dog park, if you are seeing success, you can take your dog off its leash. You should start to see some progress in about 30-60 days. Forming these good habits will help a lot. I have a rescue, so it took a bit more time - but stay patient and loving.


Walk your dog on a daily basis and introduce them to as many other dogs and people as possible. For young puppies who aren't fully vaccinated, this can be done in puppy kindergarten.


Rovering has helped our dog socialize!! Take them to dog parks or on walks! Positive reinforcement when theyre getting along with other dogs, helped ours out a lot! Try to observe if your dog gets along better with male or female dogs. Dogs might do better meeting other dogs on common territory vs in their own home due to territorial reasons.


If you are having trouble like me (I have a reactive rescue pup) I really recommend this book! BEHAVIOR ADJUSTMENT TRAINING 2.0: NEW PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES FOR FEAR, FRUSTRATION, AND AGGRESSION It has helped me immensely with my dog