
Why is my dog following me everywhere suddenly?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Could be a few reasons, but it's usually because they need something! They may be feeling anxious, nervous, a weird noise is happening outside, they need to potty, they're hungry, etc.

My dogs follow me around just to do it. Most dogs don't wanna feel lonely and will go anywhere with you. Even if they do have other fur friends in the house.

Your dog LOVES you and wants to see what you're doing next!

My dog does not usally follow me around it is mostly my sister,i am afraid my dog knows somthing bad might happen to me😰😰😰😰

5 Answers

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My dog does the same thing. I believe its because they like to stay close to their family, are curious about what we're doing, and want to make sure we're ok! Also may be looking for treats.. :)


Our family dog does this with my mom when he senses that she will be leaving for a trip! So for owners if you are leaving to go somewhere it could be your dog senses this and is sad to see you leave. If you're a sitter it could be because the dog is lonely and unsure about what's going on, and so wants to stay close to you.


It’s about security. You are your dog’s world. When you leave for a long time, your pet’s security is disrupted. If the constant stalking of you by your dog is out of control, it’s possible that your dog has separation anxiety.


Dogs follow their owners for several reasons. Some just like close human contact. They have to know where their owner is at all times and what they're doing. Some might be insecure or scared and just want comfort. Others might be anxious, have separation anxiety or are sad because they sense you are leaving.


He likes you and wants to be by your side with love :)