
Why does my dog pee in her crate?

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The crate may be too large for her. It should be big enough for her to stand and turn around, any bigger and she could have room for a peeing spot. Also, remember a dog can't hold it forever, if you're leaving her too long she may not have a choice.

5 Answers

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I'm assuming it's a puppy that is doing this because normally dogs don't like to go to the bathroom where they sleep. Either way, make sure she goes to the bathroom immediately before putting her in the crate to stop it from happening. Also, you could be leaving her in her crate for too long periods of time. Puppies should be let out every couple hours. She may not be able to hold it for as long as you're leaving her in the crate.


You could try a smaller crate. Try a crate just big enough for her to sleep in. She will not want to pee where she sleeps.


Try a smaller crate (could be too big) and remove the bedding. She could be enjoying the "diaper effect" if you will. My puppy had the same issue, I removed any bedding and he just slept on the plastic floor of the kennel. I felt bad but he immediately stopped peeing in the crate.


Get a smaller crate, or block part of it off. They don't want to sit in their own feces/urine... so the less space the less likely they are to do it. My puppy did that until I blocked half her crate off with boxes and blankets. I took her out every couple hours... then as she got older I took her out less and less. Eventually, she could go all night without needing out. Now she gets to sleep in my bed. You have to be patient, but it'll work!


Your pup may be stressed out from the crate or maybe has spent too much time in there. The crate may cause him/her to urinate due to anxiety. I would try to relocate the crate to a nearby window or put something in the crate to make her/him feel more comfortable like a favorite toy.