
Why does my dog pant in the car?

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In the truck I made it so cold in there that he couldn't be hot he just pants and drools real bad the only time he does it is when he's in a vehicle is there anything I can do to help the problem

3 Answers

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This depends on the breed, some dogs like boxers or bulldogs have poor breathing in general. for the more common dogs, it's their body shape. 4 legged animals lungs act more like an accordion, when they are sitting the lungs are more compressed than if they were laying on a floor and they end up panting a bit to compensate for the restricted lung use. Humans are upright so our lungs do not compress this way.


Dogs pant because they don't have sweat glands, if your dog us not hot they also will pant when nervous/anxious. So he could just be scared (maybe you're going to the vet?) Or excited (maybe the park)


Like the first answer, its because they could be too hot and that's how they sweat. But it could also be from having a bit of anxiety in the car. Many dogs get car sick (mine does - but she just drools like crazy). Make sure the dog is getting fresh air and that it is not too hot in the car.


The only time he does this is when he's in the truck and inside my truck I made it below 60 degrees inside my truck so I know he wasn't hot what can I do to help him with this problem