
Why does my dog have eye boogers?

My dog constantly has eye boogers and I'm wondering what the best way is to clean these and prevent them from coming back. Does this happen to anyone else's dog?


Just like us they get eye boogers waking up. If it's excessive it's possible it's an infection.

3 Answers

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Just as humans do, our eyes naturally clean themselves during the day and while we sleep. Crusted eye boogers are part of that natural process. If you notice green or other coloration to eye discharge, it may signal a sign of infection and you will want to consult your veterinarian. Some breeds are prone to eye infection and redness and may require treatments regularly.


The dogs' eye cleans itself by flushing the dust and other foreign particals out the eye duct with tears, which ten dry into the gross boogers we see in the morning. I usually clean it off with a peice of toilet paper because all my dogs stand around me every single morning with my 2 yr old to watch me "wake up in the morning" haha. if you see any different colors in the discharge i would talk to a vet about flushing the eye with drops of saline or even breast milk if the dog is pregnant. I must mention this is temporary fix until you can GET TO THE OFFICE TO BE SEEN ! cleaning their eyes regularly is healthy and should necessarily be "stopped" but with cleaning their eyes weekly with saline, you reduce the nastier option of big boogies daily because they could flush the weeks tears that didnt get out when you cleaned it with a papertowel.


It's either allergies or they have an infection