
Why does my dog eat dead worms?

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My dogs will eat bugs too! Not sure if the dead part has anything to do with it but might just think they are tasty? I'm assuming the dog isn't hungry from lack of food.

5 Answers

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When my dog was a puppy, he loved to eat worms - both dead and alive! When I asked the vet about this, he stated that it was a common issue among dogs and was mostly harmless. That being said, that I should keep an eye on him in case he picked up parasites from those earth loving worms. So I payed attention for any stomach upsets, and also to his poo (for parasitic worms). Thankfully, nothing bad occurred, and he outgrew his desire for worms!


Dogs don't have hands like us - they investigate through smell and taste! Your pup is probably just trying to figure out what that gross little worm is. Or, even weirder, maybe they like the taste/texture and are seeking them out! :) I would bet though that they are just investigating as many pups do! Just make sure they aren't exhibiting signs of illness after eating the worms.


Dogs eat lots of things that don't appeal to us and generally a few earth worms do not hurt.


Worms can contain lots of different bacteria that could be harmful to your dog. It might also carrier some thing that is definitely harmful like round worm eggs. Sometimes these eggs end up in soil which can be injested by a earth worm and transmitted to your dog. I recommend not allowing your dog to eat any sort of worm. ๐Ÿ›


Im having the same issue with my chiweenie shes 2 months old and just ate two dead worms dried up from the sun!!!! Yukkk