
Why does my dog get jealous?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


They are protective of you and want to make sure you are safe. If your dog is getting "jealous" it could be from another human/animal approaching you that they unfamiliar with. Let them know that it's okay by allowing the unknown obstacle to be sniffed and/or the other human to provide them treats.

2 Answers

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They consider you part of their pack and want to protect you from those outside the pack. My dog gets jealous when I pet another dog and tries to physically in between me and the dog. I think it's important not to reward that behavior because it's cute. Have your dog sit and stay so that you can pet the other dog, then treat them so that they associate that behavior with positive things.


Everything I know on this one, came from Rover already so see this helpful (article)!