
How do I get a tick off my dog?

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5 Answers

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Once you locate the tick, grab a pair of tweezers and clasp the tick as close to its head as possible, which is probably embedded into your dog's skin. Pull gently and remove. Sometimes the head stays embedded in your dog's skin. Usually it doesn't cause a problem, but it can cause inflammation or infection so keep an eye on the area. Make sure that your dog is on tick prevention afterwards, like Nexgard, Advantix, or Frontline. Also, if you live in an area where Lyme disease is common, consider getting your dog vaccinated against Lyme.


Always ensure during tick removal to remove the Head of the tick. Tick's can continue to live beneath the skin without their bodies for many days. Should you be concerned contact your local Vet and seek additional guidance, care and prevention


Kristen C's removal process is correct, but before you do this- Take a cotton ball with alcohol/alcohol swab and wipe it before hand. This helps them seize up a bit so it's less likely the head will stay attached to your pup.


Not recommended to "warn" the tick that something is happening. Go straight for the tweezers or get a tick twister tool to remove it. The tick can attempt to embed further or put more toxin in pup.


Another way to get ticks that doesn't hurt the dog is dish soap. It makes the head of tick come out and falls right off. Then grab a napkin pick it up. No scabs like you get from pulling off with tweezers.


Ticks are harmful for dogs. It is necessary to kill the ticks and the eggs. I have always provided tick treatments for my dog since they get outside and inside multiple times per day. On the recommendation of my neighbor I prefer to use some tick removal methods by using some latest generation of tick treatments like using sprays.