
How often can I bathe my yorkie?

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2 Answers

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Dogs with normal skin typically should be bathed once a month with a decent quality shampoo. They have some great dog shampoos on the market for all coat lengths and many different skin types. If your dog's skin has issues, you may want to try a sensitive skin shampoo and talk to your vet as you may need to bathe dogs that have allergies or certain types of skin issues more often. A good brushing between baths along with fish oil supplements and/or pumpkin can help your dog's coat stay shiny and healthy :)


Yorkshire terriers are a single coated breed, meaning their skin does not produce the nature self-cleaning and moisturizing oils that double coated breeds do. This means that they should be bathed regularly. Usually for small breeds, once per week to once every 3 weeks is enough, depending on how long and how dirty their coat gets.