
What do I do if my dog has worms?

I think my dog has worms. I noticed some when he pooped yesterday, and I'd really like to know if there's something I can do so that he doesn't fall too sick or have tummy troubles. Suggestions??


Worms are common in dog's stool, especially younger dogs. Though visiting your vet is always recommended, following the instructions of a liquid dewormer (like pyrantel) should eradicate the worms in a few days. If they persist, pay your doggie doc a visit!

5 Answers

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I would call your vet, schedule an appointment for an exam, and bring a fresh stool sample with your so they can test for worms.


Your vet can give you the right dosage and product for your pet. There are different types of worms and parasites and your vet can take a stool sample to identify them for proper treatment.


I would definitely get him to the Vet as soon as possible, since I'm sure you have no clue what type of worms. Also, be sure to carefully clean up his don't want any larva or whatever left on the ground, even in your own backyard, especially if you walk around there yourself (or have 2-legged children). And protect yourself (hands) when picking up after him.


Get a worm test at a vet and then deworming as suggested by vet


There are many types of intestinal parasites that affect pets. Of course, the best thing to do would be to take your pup to the vet for a fecal test and deworming! The two most common worms that are visualized in stool are tapeworms and roundworms. Tapeworms are from ingesting fleas, and look like pieces of rice when they are excreted. If you see these kind of worms, make sure to get your pup on some good flea control and they will need a deworming with praziquantel. Roundworm is another type of worm that is common and most puppies are born with them (they get it from their mama). These appear like spaghetti in the stool, and you would need to deworm your pup with the active ingredient pyrantel. Hope this help!