
Why does my dog shiver?

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Some dogs shiver from anxiety. Blood sugar levels as well. Weather factors in this too.

It all depends on the specific dog. Many small breeds of dogs shake when they're anxious or excited. It also occurs in larger breeds, but not as often. They could also be cold or have a health problem if it continues for too long

Because he is cold or nervous. My dog shivers when he knows we are leaving or when he really wants to go with us.

Dogs shiver for many reasons. Usually anxiety or stress, but often for attention. When a dog is uncomfortable or nervous they want extra attention, but this attention encourages this behavior. Ignoring it or distracting the dog with a new task often stops the shivering and promotes positive behavior

5 Answers

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Smaller dogs tend to shiver more than larger dogs. If you have a small dog that is constantly shivering, try giving them a small teaspoon of sugar in their water every so often. Small dogs tend to get lower blood sugar faster for some reason! Large dog? They may be anxious or excited. Cold weather? Get a fancy little sweater for them! If the shivering continues to be abnormal, call your vet and ask questions -- it could be more breed specific, as it is normal for some smaller breeds to do this out of anxiety/behavioral issues.


Dogs shiver mostly when they are anxious or feel excited! I had a dog who didn't like the pup we set up on a play date, and he started shivering like crazy. When I separated them, the shivering eventually stopped. Also, they tend to shiver when they're cold, so weather is a definite factor.


Hi there! Most dogs shiver for emotional reasons, especially from stress. Some dogs shake when they are excited, but in my experience, this is less common. It could certainly be that your dog is cold, as well. If the environment where your dog stays is at an appropriate temperature and he or she is in good health, look for patterns to the shaking behavior- is he or she aware of the surrounding environment when this happens? Is it when you get home, or during times of excitement? Does your dog shiver around strangers or at the vet? If you can pinpoint when it happens, you'll be able to understand the reason behind the behavior.


Like people, dogs shiver from cold or strong emotions (excitement, anxiety, etc). Some breeds are more prone to shivering than others.


Dogs can shiver out of fear. I have observed dogs who shiver during fireworks or other loud noised they are not accustomed too. Soft words and lots of petting will relax them.