
Why does my dog get hiccups?

My dog often gets hiccups, especially after eating, and drinking water doesn't always help. Should I be worried that this happens so often? Is there a way I can prevent them?


Dogs get hiccups for the same reasons as humans. Eating or drinking too fast or swallowing air. An easy cure is a belly or chest rub, which will lead to a burb or two and no more hiccups. If they're occurring too often, or are upsetting to your dog try out some alternative feeding techniques

4 Answers

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Hiccups are nothing to worry about, Your dog is probably eating too fast or getting too excited- hiccups in dogs are caused by irregular breathing in dogs, just like in humans. If you want to try something, you can put a tennis ball-sized ball in the food bowl or buy a slow-feeder bowl to slow down the eating.


Hiccups usually occur from eating or drinking too fast. Puppies especially tend to gulp a lot of air when eating/drinking. Hiccups are caused because the diaphragm gets irritated. Nervousness or excitement can cause them as well.


Dog hiccups are typically harmless. They're usually caused by excitement, eating too fast, irritants, or stress. Puppies, especially, are prone to hiccups because they tend to gulp in an excessive amount of air as they're inhaling their food or drinking their water. Hiccups shouldn't be too much of a concern since it actually helps dogs relieve gas in their stomachs.


Your dog is most likely eating way too fast. The only thing I know of is this really cool bowl that is like a puzzle. So if the dog wants the food it has to figure out how to get it. It's neat because it will slow your dog down and also stimulate her brain. The other option is feeding smaller portions 2-3 times a day to avoid the indigestion that causes hiccups


Relaxation is the best way to relieve them.