
How often should I groom my yorkie?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Hi! I issued to have a Yorkie! I used to groom my Yorkie every month. Now, some owners might find that excessive, however, my dog was heavily active and always outside. You don't have to bathe him/ her, Petsmart also offers Burts Bees Wipes that my dog loved.

5 Answers

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I would comb daily or every other day. It really depends on how easily the dog's coat tangles. When combing, you need to make sure the comb can easily run through the hair from the skin to the end of the hairs. This way you won't miss tangles and mats up against the skin. Bathing should be done once monthly, but if their coat is getting really oily before then and you've combed the oil through to the ends, it's okay to go ahead and bathe them as the oil has already done its job.


There's no real time limit on how often you should bathe your Yorkie. Just pay attention to your dogs hygiene and bathe when its necessary. When your Yorkie smell bad then maybe it's time. :)


My Yorkie girl has a beautiful coat. I bathe her as infrequently as possible. It's not good for her skin to wash away the oils in her skin that give her such a luxurious coat. I brush her, and comb her facial hair daily, as she gets eye boogies a lot. Her hair doesn't grow too fast, so I give her a facial trim about every 40 days, and she looks fabulous. I use a peppermint oil mixture to repel fleas, and just a little, it makes her smell minty fresh.!

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Depends on coat type & gender. I have 3 theyre very clean dogs but males need partial wash reg. due to urine getting on their hair. One of mine has a slow growing coat its wooly not silky so needs less frequent clipping. Other 1 has oilier hair needs baths more freq. Female has dry skin & silky hair

But that said I dont do a full bath often, since theyre very clean indoor dogs. And I do not want to dry their skin as said above. You dont want to dry their long hair out. Now if you keep it clipped, thats different. But with warm wet washcloth & gentle shampoo you can wipe down boys where urine is

I find it very ez to trim the long silky hairs with grooming scissors once theyre blow dried. On the wooly haired guy after bath I blow dry & use a clipper to buzz off his curly hair on the saddle. Its quick since theyre small dogs& I only bathe like every 2 -3 months,but theyre strict indoor dogs.


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Because a Yorkie's hair can look greasy at times. I would reccomend a bath ever 2 weeks a hair cut ever 4 weeks.


i would recommend giving a good bath every 3-4 weeks and haircuts every 4-6 weeks


You should brush every other day and groom every 2,4,6 or 8 weeks.