
Why does my dog get ear infections?

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8 Answers

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Your dog most likely gets ear infections because the ears are not being properly cleaned.


Another reason why a dog could get an ear infection is if water gets in their ears during a bath or when they're swimming (if you notice the infections happen shortly after one of those)


After baths and swimming, dry out your dogs ears with something soft. (If it is scratchy, it may cause your dog to get more ear infections.) Clean their ears regularly with a solution you can get from your vet. Pin up their ears now and then to air them out. Keep fur under ear flap short.


Ear infections are one of the most common reasons pets are presented to veterinarians. Ear infections happen for many reasons, but the most common reasons are allergies and frequent bathing. After bathing, I always recommend using ear cleaner to dry out the ears to prevent infections!


Ear infections are one of the most common reasons pets are presented to veterinarians. Ear infections happen for many reasons, but the most common reasons are allergies and frequent bathing. Certain breeds are also predisposed to having ear infections, such as Cocker Spaniels and Labs. After bathing, I always recommend using ear cleaner to dry out the ears to prevent infections (certain cleaners actually DRY the ear canals!). They are available over the counter from your veterinarians. Bacteria love dark, moist environments- so the ear canal after a bath is the perfect home for them! If your pup is having other signs of allergies, such as licking/biting the paws and itchiness, I would see a vet to see if there is something that can help make your pup more comfortable!


You can use a simple over the counter ear wash 3 times a week to prevent ear infections.


Sometimes my dog will get an infection if her ears aren't plucked in a while. The yeast builds up and that can lead to infection. I try to clean them with a over the counter cleaner once a week


Sometimes my dog will get an infection if her ears aren't plucked in a while. The yeast builds up and that can lead to infection. I try to clean them with a over the counter cleaner once a week