
What do I do if my dog has had diarrhea for 3 days?

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10 Answers

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If your dog is having diarrhea for multiple days, you need to take your dog to the vet. Diarrhea can be caused by a number of different problems, some serious and some mild. Your vet should be able to determine the cause and treat accordingly.


I recommend trying to give your dog some fiber such as organic canned pumpkin ( NOT canned pumpkin pie filling ). You can find this in any grocery store next to the filling. ( just check to see which one you're grabbing ) This will firm up the stool. If it keeps persisting, I recommend a vet visit.


On day 1 we always start feeding brown rice, chicken, and carrots. If it continues past day 2 - go to the vet


After three days, it's time to go to the vet. First day the dog should have a bland diet and you can try pepto bismal for the dogs stomach.


First off I'd never wait 3 days! Moniter at on set. Vet consulted and possibly to vets for check.


It is always good to check with the vet. Slippery elm is an excellent herbal treatment as well. It is considered safe and can be added to the dog's food for ease in administration. Do your homework and look it up on holistic veterinary websites.


Do not wait longer than 1 day. Plain white rice and lots of water (try mixing it with low sodium/ no sodium chicken broth) is option 1. Be careful to check what the water intake is to be able to provide that info to your vet. Remember that this is simply a symptom and while it is very unpleasant, the reasons for it might be quite serious. If you have abruptly changed their food then this might be a consequence. It could also be related to something your dog ate at the park (food he/she found) , maybe chewing someone else's treats to which they might be allergic or even sniffing the wrong dog who has a stomach bug.


It really depends on your version of having diarrhea for three days. Is it constant or is there some hard stool and then some diarrhea? Definitely keep an eye out for that. If it is constant over a 24 hour period definitely call your local vet. Some tips would be adding some rice to the dog food as well as some peanut butter. Diarrhea can occur for many reasons. If you are switching food or giving the dog something that isn't usual food for him/her that might also cause the diarrhea. Other possibilities could be worms or parasites, so I would definitely see the vet as soon as possible.


Definitely go to the vet to rule out any true problems. It might be a simple gastro upset, by why take the chance? Dogs don't replace fluids like humans do when we have diarhhea, so they can get dehydrated easily, which can do a number of other things that cause more serious harm. Rule out the big stuff by going to the vet for an exam/fecal test etc.


Good old diarrhea! There are SO many reasons that a pet can have diarrhea! Common causes of diarrhea would be dietary indiscretion (the pup ate something they shouldn't or there was a recent food change) and infectious causes (intestinal parasites, viral, and bacterial infections), but there are also more worrisome causes of diarrhea. If the animal is otherwise acting normal (active and normal energy level without any other signs), I would personally put my animal on a bland diet and see if the diarrhea resolves. White rice and boiled chicken (no seasoning) for a couple days can be given to see if the diarrhea resolves. However, if there is vomiting or a change in attitude or energy level or the diarrhea does not resolve, I would recommend seeing a vet. Also, it depends on the age of the animal what I would do- puppy that is not fully vaccinated? VET. Healthy adult dog that is acting normal but having a bit of diarrhea? Monitor. Senior dog who seems to not be feeling as well? VET. Hope this helps!