
Why does my dog cry when I leave?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Probably doesn't like being left alone! I recommend leaving the TV or radio on when you leave. It soothes my dogs.

Dogs get seperation anxiety. They will cry when left alone and sometimes get destructive.

We had problems with our dog also. He used to bark, chew table etc. Both my husband and I work a lot and had no time to take our Bud to dog training classes. We asked one friend who works in foster care. He recommended one online dog behavior trainer. I love this trainer (

Can you send me the link to the online trainer you used for my Yorkie? Thank you

I would like to use it for my Yorkie Boo Boo 🐶!

4 Answers

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Your dog might have some abandonment issues. Especially as a pup, they do not like to be alone! The crying is because they realize you are gone and miss you but it will stop after a while! The pup will soon know that you will return to it like a good pup parent!


I'm so extremely grateful for this comment above. We have had our rescue since Dec 2015 and she has never been left alone. Up until recently I dropped her at doggie daycare. This is Day #2 and I'm watching her on Furbo and she's barking and crying. It's breaking my heart.


This could be a sign of separation anxiety if it is paired with destructive behaviors. Most likely, however, your pup just loves you and doesn't want you to leave. Similar to a toddler getting dropped off at daycare--some are completely fine with it and can thrive independently, others need more time to adjust to your absence.


For certain, your pet can have anxiety when you leave, which can result in crying, barking or destructive behaviors.

Some options for redirecting this behavior include to provide other stimulus like toys, treats, food, even music, tv or background noise can support.

In addition, if you place your dog in an area where your exit and entry-way is not noticeable to your pet, that can be very helpful! It's better they not see you leave and be content with other things.

Good question for sure,

Marie S., M.S.Ed


Because they love you and miss you!

Many dogs have separation anxiety from their owners, but after repetition of you coming back to them, and getting into a good routine, it will get easier for them! Kennel training can also be helpful in giving them a safe place to stay, and can prevent them from having accidents around the house due to stress.