
How often should I bathe my pug?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Every 6 to 8 weeks

4 Answers

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As long as your groomer is using a safe shampoo, as often as once per day, but normally every 2,4,6 or 8 weeks. Try a mobile groomer!


Most recommendations I have seen for general dog watching is once a month. Washing everyday and you risk drying out the dog's skin and fur. There are moisturizing shampoos that can counter that, but not too sure how safe it is as many dogs don't like any kind of oily stuff on them and may try to lick it off.


pugs are pretty low maintenance i would recommend every 4 weeks. bathing too much could cause dry skin or allergies.


agreed. bathing once every month or other month is ideal. over bathing can cause dry/flakey skin.


I would also recommend medicated wipes to wipe their face folds once a day or every other day. This prevents yeast infections in older pugs that can't fight it off as easily and is a general rule of thumb for good hygiene as their faces can get very dirty!


Also pugs are notorious for ear infections! Get ear cleaner from your vet and put some of that in their ears after a bath to help dry up any extra water! Or you can try not getting them wet by using cotton balls but I would not really trust that! And make sure you gently wipe in between their little folds and around their tail


Buzzer sound errrrk! The answer is NEVER! Robert Hilton, a veterinarian who practises in the field of veterinary dermatology:

"In general, healthy dogs only need to be bathed if they smell. There's no reason particularly to bath a healthy dog, unless they're dirty," Dr Hilton says.

Our 10-year-old boxer never had a bath in his lifetime and he never smelled. Boxers hate water like a cat and we subjected our first boxer to occasional baths, poor tortured creature.