
Why does my dog dig holes?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Dogs dig for a variety of reasons. (e.g. Breed is predisposed to this problem (genetic), boredom, cooling, separation anxiety, hiding bones or toys, escape, hunting, etc.) Understand that digging is only a symptom of the real problem that needs be addressed before you can expect a behavioral change.

4 Answers

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Dogs may dig because of various reasons. Certain breeds are prone to digging and burrowing. These dogs typically do this as a way to hide things or to create a comfortable spot for sleep. Other dogs dig because they are anxious, wanting attention, or to attempt to escape. There are a few ways to deal with this including exercise, training, and giving your dog intentional tracking and duties.


Lots of different reasons.. I've found dogs digging mostly because they are trying to find a cool spot to lay. Gets really hot here where we live!


Lots of reasons (and may depend on the breed)! It's typically thought that dogs dig for shelter or protection for themselves or items of value (toys, food, prey).


Digging is fun for some, others are hiding their treasures, some are trying to get at rodents or animals in the ground. Other reasons can be to create a cooling space or boredom/anxiety.