
Do you do meet-n-greets with potential clients who only want you as a backup? [closed]


Closed for the following reason question contains offensive or malicious remarks by Sarah B.
close date 2017-01-11 18:14:49.071343


How is this offensive at all?

3 Answers

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In the real world, this is known as "business development."


I would do the M&G. There is probably a good reason she is looking beyond her regular Sitter. You never know. Another thought is that, honestly, some clients request multiple M&Gs for the same reason but may not tell you. So, some of the M&Gs that you have done may have just been for backup without you knowing.
Consider it extra practice as you get more comfortable asking questions and being choosy about your clientele.
It's practice, it's advertising, it's part of the business.


Maybe. Honestly she seems like a very nervous and neurotic person so she's probably just planning for the worst but idk


I would do the M&G because you never know when they may book with you, even if you are the backup, Then say thank you very much and please consider me for future bookings. This is just a part of the business, some you win, some you lose.


So are you saying that I should do the meet-n-greet or not? I'm not asking about the meet-n-greets that didn't pan out I'm asking if it's worth doing meet-n-greets where I'm just a backup and I would only potentially be used far into the future.

Okay, it looks like you've edited your comment

I would definitely do the M&G even as a backup