
Why does my dog eat acorns?

My dog likes to eat acorns out of our yard or at the park and I wasn't concerned at first but now I'm wondering if this could be harmful? I'm not sure how he is digesting the acorns but I don't want him to be sick. Should I take him to the vet?


Try your best to prevent him from eating the acorns. They can cause gastro issues, such as an upset stomach. Prlonged consumption can cause more serious issues.

Just FYI... my pit bull eats a few while out walking and always ends up with diarrhea.w

2 Answers

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Hi there,

I would suggest monitoring him for the next 12 hours. If any symptoms show up, bring him to the vet immediately. Acorns are very bad for dogs, I have an article here discussing it further: (


Great question! Try to limit your dogs consumption of acorns to prevent upset stomach and gastro issues. If possible, even when outside, provide a good stimulating chew toy for your dog to gnaw on. Sometimes dogs seek the sensory input and the soothing crunch, and need to work something through their teeth for dental health. Every dog is different, and some will have these behaviors for different issues. If a toy is not helping, you may want to give your vet office a call to see if they can offer some suggestions.


A small amount of acorns won't hurt your dog if he is medium to large. If your dog is munching down acorns like kibble then yes try to get him to stop because they do have some compounds that can be harmful in large quantities.