
Why does my dog hump me?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Most of the time this is just a way dogs show their excitement and [non-sexual] arousal. In unneutered and unspayed dogs under a year old, humping can be sexual, but in older dogs it can be a sign of dominance or a reaction to something exciting like a visitor arriving or being around another dog.

4 Answers

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Humping owner is a form of asserting dominance. Just testing their place in the chain of command


Dogs can hump your leg simply because they are excited (not sexual)


Humping in dogs is sometimes just about excitement to see you like when you walk into the door. If the dog has not been neutered (altered) then its almost always a sign of showing dominance (being the alpha male). Once the dog is neutered, this behavior usually goes away on its own.


Most of the time this is just a way dogs show their excitement and [non-sexual] arousal. In unneutered and unspayed dogs under a year old, humping can be sexual, but in older dogs it can be a sign of dominance or a reaction to something exciting like a visitor arriving or being around another dog.