
Why does my dog grumble?

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3 Answers

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It really depends on the type of grumbling your dog is making as well as what is happening while they are doing it! Grumbling and sighing are your dogs way of communicating. By sighing, they are usually letting you know that they are content and comfortable where they are. My puppy does a lot of whining, but that doesn't always mean she wants something or is in distress. Whining can mean they are excited or happy; like when I'm making her food, she whines because she is excited. You can tell it's an excited whine because it'll be a lower pitch; whereas, a distressed whine is usually a much higher pitch and she'll be jumping around. There are also different types of growls, most dogs growl while they are playing, but this growl isn't threatening or aggressive. Knowing the difference between these forms of communication can make bonding with your dog that much better!


It depends on the dog and the setting. Is he alert and grumbling at you? Or is he lying down and grumbling? My dog grumbles when she is getting comfy in bed. It could be a sign of discomfort, especially in older dogs. However, some dogs are just more vocal than others. (ie, shepherds, huskies, etc) If you are worried, then I'd talk to your vet!


Grumbling is a mild alert. It's less than a bark. He's just being protective.