
Why does my dog cry when she poops?

This is really strange, but my dog cries when she poops and I just can't figure out why. Is this normal? Could she be in pain? How do I check?

2 Answers

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Hi Lizzy,

Does your dog avoiding pooping and seem to be in pain when it happens? Or is she often vocal and might just be making noises to herself? I would get it checked out by a vet if she seems uncomfortable. There are any number of things that could be causing her discomfort, so I would err on the side of caution!


Call your vet.

There could be any number of reasons and some of them quite serious (intestinal blockage from swallowing a toy, etc). Sitters who aren't seeing your dog are in no position to assess this. Crying is never a 'good' thing. Call your vet.